Schwartzenegger steals a horse, rides it into a bhotel/b, rides it into a lift and the villain gets away by making an incredulous leap on his motorbike from sky scrapper to sky scrapper into a roof top swimming pool to live another day. ... Review by bRock Savage/b? February 2, 2010 @ 10:58 am. I was a bit afraid that this edit would take the fun completely out of the movie, But no, it's just as fun, with less cheese. I just would have kept ?Helen drops gun down steps?. ...
Whilst Kate stays in luxury at the bHotel/b Swank the press will likely put the pictures of the rusted septic tanks on their front pages, along with a headline proclaiming that Kate has gotten too big for her britches as she has the municipal, b...../b Lord bRocksavage/b, Lord Birkenhead ,David Prince of Wales , were all very friendly during the 1920's and all had connections with the Marlborough family and of course Winston Churchill so have been close to the RF for centuries. ...